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Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Staff Development
(919) 962-2438
Alumni Building 305B

Research Interests

Race, place and history; placemaking; Black rurality; freedom; community building


Anthropology of race; Anthropology of place; Caribbeanist anthropology

Research Background

Broadly, I am interested in the meanings, placemaking practices and social engagements around race and place, particularly in the rural U.S. and the Caribbean. I am concerned with the ways that people of African descent, who have particular historic connections to a specific locality, attach significance to and organize around place for freedom, futures and Black community. My work has explored how Black and Asian farmers in the Caribbean make sense of the threat of global economic uncertainty to their livelihood by investing in the lands and communities that have provided freedom to generations of their families. My past and ongoing research projects have also looked at how Black Americans connect with and contribute to the narratives of Black places that are known for notable histories of either Black success or Black trauma.


PhD, University of Florida

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