Guide to Graduate Studies
This guide describes the graduate program of the Department of Anthropology and explains policies which affect all students in the program. It also describes in detail the specific requirements of the graduate curriculum which went into effect in August of 1993. A major reorganization of the graduate curriculum was instituted in 1984. Minor changes in degree requirements have occurred more frequently. As a general rule, the requirements in force when a student enters the graduate program are the ones that student should fulfill in subsequent years. If any changes in departmental requirements or clarifications of departmental policies are made during the current academic year, they will be announced in departmental memoranda. Faculty members and graduate students are asked to read this document thoroughly, and to consult it when questions arise concerning departmental regulations and policies.
*Note to Graduate Students – The Guide to Graduate Studies is constantly undergoing revisions and updates to stay current with policies and procedures. For definitive answers to your questions, please see the Director of Graduate Studies or the Student Services Specialist.
The Department of Anthropology at UNC
To assist our students and faculty, the Anthropology Department has a blend of faculty and staff administrators. Faculty administrators include our Departmental Chair, Associate Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Graduate Studies. Our staff members are the Administrative Manager, Accounting Technician, and the Student Services Manager/Departmental Registrar. The Departmental Chair and all staff administrative support have office spaces in Alumni 301.
The Departmental Chair oversees all departmental activities, including the budget, and coordinates departmental activities with the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the University administration. The Associate Chair serves ex officio as chair of the Curriculum Committee, and deals with administrative matters related to course offerings, organizes the schedule of departmental courses for the coming semester, assigns Graduate Assistantship duties. The Director of Graduate Studies is particularly responsible for the interpretation of the graduate curriculum in the case of individual students, and for annual revisions to this Graduate Guide.
The Society of Anthropology Students (SAS) is composed of graduate students in the department and undergraduates at UNC who are majoring in anthropology. The Society of Anthropology Students organizes a wide range of student activities and serves to express student opinions on departmental matters on both an ad hoc basis and through student participation on departmental committees, described below.
Departmental News: E-mail, a department listserv, and the department web site are used to inform the local anthropological community of new course offerings or course changes, visiting speakers, film showings, times and places of various departmental meetings, current scholarships and fellowships, and other important matters.
The Bulletin Board across from the elevator on the 3rd floor of Alumni carries general news items of current interest to the Anthropology Department. Check this board daily. The second floor Bulletin Board displays announcements of archaeology-related opportunities and programs received from other departments and universities.
The departmental lounge area (Room 313) has a coffee pot and microwave. Room 313-A offers a place to eat lunch with your colleagues and friends, discuss anthropology with others in the department, and just to relax. It is often reserved for other events or classes so please check with Katie Poor in 313B to make sure it is available. There is a refrigerator in the 303 graduate student area for use by everyone.
The Departmental Colloquium is a principal instrument for intra-departmental intellectual exchange and discussion of current research. The colloquium meets regularly throughout Fall and Spring semesters, normally Monday afternoon at 3:30 p.m., although this may change from semester to semester so please check our events calendar. The colloquium offers presentations by visiting speakers and by members of the department. Upon reaching the writing stage of their Ph.D. research, graduate students in the department are asked to make at least one presentation to the colloquium. It is the responsibility of the student’s advisor to remind the student of this expectation, and to inform the Colloquium Committee of the student’s preparedness to speak. The colloquium takes place in a spirit of critical, but amicable and constructive, exchange of ideas. The colloquium is regarded as an axis of the department’s intellectual life, and all graduate students are expected to attend. Students need not feel compelled to speak up during the colloquium, but their contributions are welcome. Undergraduates are welcome to attend departmental colloquia and other presentations by guest speakers. The normal format includes about one and one-half hours for the presentation itself and subsequent discussion, after which there is time for refreshments and informal conversation.
The Research Laboratories of Archaeology were established in 1938 as a repository of archaeological materials, in particular those from Town Creek for which Joffre L. Coe was the Site Supervisor. Robert Wauchope was named the first Director of the RLA in 1940. When Professor Wauchope left UNC two years later, Professor Johnson became Acting Director. In 1948 Joffre Coe was appointed Director of the RLA and served in that capacity until his retirement in 1982.
In 1946 John P. Gillin joined Guy Johnson and Joffre Coe in the UNC-CH Anthropology program. Dr. Gillin was a specialist in applied anthropology, culture and personality, and Latin American cultures. He expanded the course offerings in sociocultural anthropology, formulating advanced degree programs in anthropology, and recruited more anthropology faculty. Professors Honigmann and Gulick originally came to UNC-CH in connection with several of these projects. Anthropology became a curriculum within the Sociology Department (whose name was changed to Sociology and Anthropology), with Gillin informally in charge of sociocultural anthropology, while Joffre Coe developed teaching and research activities in archaeology. In the late 1950’s two physical anthropologists, Professors Holcomb and Pollitzer, came to UNC-CH with initial appointments in the Department of Anatomy.
The first M.A. in Anthropology from UNC-CH was granted in 1949, and in 1957 the first Ph.D. in Anthropology was awarded to Ruben Reina. Professor Gillin resigned in 1959. At that point, there were four full-time anthropologists in the Sociology-Anthropology Department (as opposed to 31 full-time anthropologists presently in the department). In the academic year 1959-60, approximately 600 students were enrolled in all of the anthropology courses taught. In the academic year 1995-96, the total student enrollment in anthropology courses was 3700, including, of course, many graduate and undergraduate students each taking several courses in the department.
The Department of Anthropology gained a separate academic identity, and split from Sociology on July 1, 1965. John Gulick was the first Chairperson, serving until 1970, when he was succeeded by John Honigmann. James Peacock became the third Chairperson in 1975. Donald Brockington served as Chairperson from 1980 to 1985, and George Holcomb served as Chairperson from 1985-1990. In July, 1990 James Peacock assumed duties of Chairperson a second time; he served as Chair during 1990-91, after which he was elected to the post of Faculty Chair of the University. Bruce Winterhalder served as Chair from 1991 to 1996. He was followed by Dorothy Holland, who served from 1996-2001. From 2001-2004, Judith B. Farquhar served as Chair until June 30, 2004 when she departed from us to take a position in Chicago, Illinois. As of July 1, 2004, Paul W. Leslie served as Chair until June 30, 2009 and was reappointed for a four year term effective July 1, 2010 after a year of leave. Dale Hutchinson serves as Interim Chair from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld serves as the current Department Chair.
Following Joffre Coe’s retirement, Roy S. Dickens, Jr., served as Director of the Research Laboratories of Anthropology from 1982 to 1986. In 1987, Vincas Steponaitis was appointed Director; along side him, is Stephen RA.P. Davis as Associate Director.
In 1964, Alumni Building housed the Department of Sociology, the Recreation Curriculum, the Institute for Research in Social Science, the Department of City and Regional Planning, and the School of Social Work. Anthropology occupied Room 202. Later, City and Regional Planning moved to Room 209 when the Recreational Curriculum moved out. In 1970, City and Regional Planning moved to its present quarters, vacated by the Institute for Research in Social Science.
Major reallocations of space and easing of crowding were possible with the move of the Sociology Department to Hamilton Hall in 1971-72. In 1973, the School of Social Work moved to its own building. The Anthropology Department spent 1973-74 in Steele Building while Alumni Building was extensively renovated. In 1974, the department moved back to Alumni, and rejoined the Research Laboratories of Archaeology, which had spent several years in Person Hall. The fourth floor space was used over the years by several departments and in 2009 was given to Anthropology. Alumni Building is now almost entirely an anthropology building.
The following is a list of the departmental committees (subject to change) and their specific responsibilities:
Admissions: Evaluate applications for admission to graduate program; notify Departmental Chairperson of decisions and report evaluations to the faculty and Chair and instruct Student Services Manager regarding information or correspondence related to admission decisions.
Stipends: Evaluate applications for financial awards for Fall and Spring; supply Chairperson with rankings to be used in awarding departmental assistantships.
Curriculum: Evaluate curriculum at the level of general policy and evaluate proposed course offerings by faculty for each semester. Report to Associate Chairperson, prepare recommendations for faculty action, and initiate program revisions.
Colloquium: Select and arrange for visiting speakers as well as suggest and arrange other departmental colloquia where appropriate.
Human Subjects: Evaluate research projects submitted by students and faculty in the department with respect to the ethics of treatment of human subjects. Forward recommendations to the University’s Institutional Review Board.
A list of chairpersons and members is on file with the Administrative Office after the beginning of the Fall semester. Graduate students routinely serve on the admissions and colloquium committees. They also serve on faculty search and other ad hoc committees. Selection of student members of the committees is directed by the officers of the Society of Anthropology Students in consultation with the Departmental Chairperson.
Inquiries and suggestions in an area covered by a committee should go to the chairperson of that committee or to one of its members, either faculty or student.
II. Departmental Programs and Concentrations
Cross cutting these specializations, the department supports concentrations that integrate anthropology’s diverse expertise to address contemporary world problems. Programming in these areas helps students connect their anthropological studies to work and life beyond the university. Current concentrations focus on: Health, Medicine, and Humanity; Heritage and Unwritten Histories; Global Engagement; Race, Place and Power; and Food, Environment and Sustainability.
III. Degree Requirements
The PhD — First Stage
Incoming students are required to take Anthropology 701, 703, and 705 during their first year. In addition, they will take whatever courses are required by their subfield:
1. Sociocultural students must complete 702 by the end of their second year. It is only offered biennially, so students are required to take it at the first opportunity. In addition, students are highly encouraged to take 898 (Engaging Ethnography).
2. HBEE students must choose additional courses in consultation with their advisor.
3. Archaeology students must choose additional courses in consultation with their advisor.
4. Medical Anthropology students must choose additional courses in consultation with their advisor.
Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.
The remaining requirements are grouped into two categories: (1) Program Courses, (2) Professional Preparation Courses. The student should consult with his or her faculty advisor when choosing which courses to take. The requirements are set out in more detail below.
(1) Program Courses. Requirement: Minimum of three. Consult the program descriptions, your advisor, and the Director of Graduate Studies, as necessary. First and second year students should make every effort to enroll in scheduled seminars.
(2) Professional Preparation Courses. Requirement: One. The Professional Preparation Course must be selected from the following list:
710 Writing and Publishing in Anthropology
817 The Concept of Teaching of General Anthropology
897 or 898 (When taught as Research Design courses)
Other appropriate course, as approved by the student’s advisor and Director of Graduate Studies.
While any of these courses will satisfy the Ph.D. requirement, please note that successful completion of ANTH 817 is a prerequisite for students who wish to serve as Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTFs) in the department, Summer School, or Continuing Studies.
The Director of Graduate Studies can grant exemptions to this policy in individual cases, if the student can provide evidence of experience and proficiency in undergraduate teaching of Anthropology
A faculty representative from one or more departments in this University, other than Anthropology, may be added to the committee of three when his or her interests or competencies are relevant to the student’s program of study. It is not necessary for the student to have taken a formal minor in the department of such faculty representative.
The committee should meet whenever necessary to consider the student’s progress. The meetings should be both advisory and evaluative, and the committee chairperson should file a report in the student’s folder after each meeting. Reports could include open-ended comments, as well as evaluations of the student’s achievements and potential in theoretical sophistication, methodological competence, diligence, creativity, or knowledge of the field.
1) Selection of Advisory Committee.
The student’s Advisory Committee will oversee preparation of the FSP. Students should select a primary advisor and two other faculty members to form a three-person advisory committee by the end of their second semester. Although the advisory committee may form a portion of the dissertation committee (which is normally established in full by the end of the fifth semester), the student is free to choose different members for the two committees. A form identifying the student’s Advisory Committee must be filed with the department by the last day of classes of the student’s second semester. Note that it is possible to change the members of the committee should there be good reason to do so.
2) Option to Substitute.
If a student has already completed a writing project that is equivalent in content and scope to an FSP (as outlined below in section 3), the student may formally petition the department to accept this work as a substitute for the FSP requirement. Normally, this substitute is either a Master’s thesis already accepted by another university department, a paper accepted for publication, or one that is already published. No later than March 1 during the student’s second semester, the petition is made in writing to the Director of Graduate Studies, who then refers the matter to the student’s Advisory Committee. It is the student’s responsibility to formulate this committee prior to submitting the petition. The committee then reviews the submitted work and comes to a decision as to whether it constitutes an acceptable substitute. The chair of the Advisory Committee must communicate this decision in writing to both the student and the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) by the last day of classes in that semester. The committee’s decision must be made on the work as submitted; if revisions are necessary in order to make the work acceptable, then these may be done in the context of submitting a regular FSP. If the substitution is approved, the student is expected to use the time that otherwise would have been devoted to the FSP making significant progress toward the PhD.
3) Preparation of the Paper.
In many cases, data collection will form part of the student’s FSP activities. In those cases, planning must be early in order to facilitate arrangements for the summer, and (if needed) for obtaining Human Research Ethics clearance in advance of data collection. Thus, students are advised to begin thinking about and making preliminary plans for the paper well in advance of the fourth semester. The topic should be finalized by the end of the second semester or the beginning of the third. Many students take a reading course with their primary advisor in the second or third semester for the purpose of conducting research toward their FSP.
The topic for the FSP is chosen by the student in consultation with the student’s Advisory Committee. While not required, it is often the case that topics for research and writing spring from work done in the Core courses or other of the student’s courses. FSPs are a gauge of a student’s ability to discuss anthropological research and to write at a graduate level. Therefore, while students might choose to write on topics not explicitly anthropological by convention, FSPs must relate their thesis and argument to theoretical, methodological, or factual issues characteristic of some branch of anthropology.
FSPs may follow several formats: (1) an analytical essay/paper with a central thematic focus (or research question) based on existing research (or literature), (2) an analytical paper which includes a research question, original data collection, analysis, and interpretation, or (3) a publishable article or book chapter that can be a revision of an existing Master’s thesis. For any of these options, a length between 20 and 60 pages (double spaced) of text (excluding bibliography, tables, figures, footnotes, etc.) is typical. Students are encouraged to examine previous FSPs on file with faculty members or fellow graduate students.
If research for an FSP entails study of individual people, then the student’s research must be approved by the Office of Human Research Ethics (Behavioral IRB). Information and guidelines on the protection of people involved in your research as informants or sources of data, as well as an outline for preparing a report on your research, are found on the university’s web site (see link below). Forms are available online and in the Department office. Note that application for IRB approval requires certification of training in ethical and regulatory obligations entailed in the conduct of research involving human participants or subjects (
Students are advised to establish a timeline for FSP completion with their Advisory Committee by September 1st of their third semester, and to circulate outlines and preliminary drafts of the paper among members of their Advisory Committee throughout the process. Ideally, a complete draft of the paper should be delivered to the student’s primary advisor by March 1, and to the entire Advisory Committee by March 15, so they have a chance to review it and provide comments before final submission.
FSPs should be formatted and prepared in accordance with the guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts of a major anthropological journal (e.g., American Anthropologist, American Antiquity, American Journal of Physical Anthropology).
Each student who submits an FSP must register for 3 credit hours of ANTH 901 with their advisor during the semester in which the paper is submitted.
4) Submission of Papers.
The student will place three copies of the FSP on file in the department office on or before April 1st. If spring break falls on this date, then FSPs must be delivered to the department office no later than the first Monday after spring break.
All department faculty are invited to read and evaluate FSPs. At a minimum, however, each paper will be read by the student’s Advisory Committee and reviewed by the FSP Review Committee. The Advisory Committee will prepare a brief written report of its evaluation of the FSP and will submit this report to the general faculty, the DGS, and the Chair of the department prior to the faculty meeting at which the FSPs will be discussed. The evaluation will be done with following scale: High Pass, Pass, Low Pass, and Fail. The chair of the FSP Review Committee will also report that Committee’s evaluation to the same parties, focusing specifically on whether each paper meets the minimal criteria for an acceptable FSP.
If the FSP Review Committee finds problems with a paper that would merit a failing evaluation, they will confer with the student’s Advisory Committee and the DGS and develop a suggested course of revision at least one week prior to the scheduled general faculty discussion of the papers.
Continuation in the graduate program and eligibility for funding are dependent upon successfully completing the graduate core courses and satisfying the FSP requirement by the deadline. However, exceptional cases do occur (illness or unexpected emergencies) and they warrant some consideration. In such cases, the student will petition their primary advisor at least 48 hours prior to the due date and the advisor will discuss the possibility of an extension with the director of graduate studies. If an extension is granted, the student should move to rectify any unacceptable or incomplete graduate work as soon as possible to avoid displacement in their funding priorities, as well as to avoid falling behind in their graduate study commitments.
At the end of the student’s fourth semester, the faculty, after reviewing the student’s course work, FSP (if required), and Ph.D. study plan, makes a decision approving or denying the student’s continuation in the graduate program. The faculty also approves the final grade for each FSP, which is duly recorded by the DGS in ANTH 901.
a. Construction of the Ph.D. Study Plan
It is the responsibility of the student’s advisory committee, immediately after its formation, to:
· Review with the student the substance of his or her previous work, the nature of his or her
special interests (both topical and geographic), and any need for additional work,
· Achieve a clear working agreement with the student as to his or her knowledge of the chosen
specialty and, if relevant, its ethnographic expression,
· Decide how the student will satisfy language requirements stated below in Section III.C.,
· Construct, in consultation with the student, the student’s Ph.D. Study Plan: a comprehensive
written schedule of anticipated course work, examinations, field research activity, and a
dissertation project (taking into account as fully as possible the student’s research objectives,
personal situation, and most probable sources of research funds). See Appendix D for the
suggested form for the Ph.D. Study Plan.
b. Distribution and Review of the Ph.D. Study Plan:
It is the joint responsibility of the student and the advisory committee to insure that the Ph.D. Study Plan is completed and a copy with the advisor’s signature filed in the main department office by March 1st of the fourth semester.
The Ph.D. Study Plan will be available to all faculty members in the main department office for their information and to enable them to raise questions, make comments, or request further information prior to, or during, the faculty meeting to evaluate the progress of second year students. Former students seeking to re-enter the graduate program are normally required to prepare and distribute a Study Plan for departmental review. In such cases they may follow the procedures in effect when they entered the program (described in earlier editions of this Guide) or those described here.
a. M.A. as completion of the M.A. in Anthropology for Health Professionals curriculum. (See Section II, C, above).
b. M.A. as exit degree. A student who will not be continuing in the Ph.D. program will be awarded the M.A. degree when requirements 2 through 6 are completed to a level of competency that satisfies the faculty that the M.A. is deserved.
c. M.A. as optional degree en route to Ph.D. Students continuing on to the second stage of the Ph.D. will be awarded the M.A. degree if they request it. Students are encouraged to request the award of this degree if they are planning to seek employment before completing the Ph.D.
Students receiving the M.A., either as an exit degree or as an optional degree en route to the Ph.D., must complete the following:
a. the degree requirements set by the Graduate School, i.e., 30 hours of coursework, including a minimum of 3 hours of thesis registration (ANTH. 993). Details are given in the Graduate School Handbook.
b. the language requirement.
c. the submission of an accepted thesis. In most cases this will be a revised version of the Fourth Semester Paper. Please consult the Thesis and Dissertation Guide available from the Graduate School.
d. the M.A. oral examination (it has been the practice of the department to provide the M.A. oral examination in two parts, a defense of the thesis, and an oral comprehensive, a more general examination of the candidate’s understanding of anthropology and the place of the thesis in the wider field).
In order to be awarded the M.A. degree at the next Commencement, the student, after successfully defending the M.A. thesis in the oral examination, should submit the Master’s Comprehensive Exam Report (for the M.A. degree) to the Director of Graduate Studies. The student should also indicate to the Director of Graduate Studies how the student has met the Language/Skill requirement referred to in 10.b above. Once notification of successful defense of the M.A. thesis has been received from the M.A. thesis committee chairperson, the Director of Graduate Studies will endorse the student’s Application for Graduation, and forward it on to the Graduate School.
The Application for Graduation must be submitted to the Graduate School by the deadline for the semester in which the student will complete the M.A. This deadline falls near the beginning of each semester, and is available from the Graduate School. It is the student’s responsibility to submit the Application sufficiently early to the Director of Graduate Studies so as to allow enough time for the proper submission of the Application to the Graduate School.
The PhD — Second Stage
In most cases the degree committee chairperson, who is primarily responsible for administering the various formal stages of the student’s education, is also the student’s thesis or dissertation advisor, i.e., the member of the faculty whose specialties correspond most closely with the student’s own and who is thus primarily responsible for providing the student with intellectual guidance. It is within University policy, however, to divide the functions of committee chairperson and dissertation advisor between two persons if there is a sound reason for doing so in a particular case.
Along with the committee chairperson, who must be a tenured, tenure-track, or adjunct member of the department, the committee should include two additional members of the anthropology faculty. These three core members of the Ph.D. committee are normally, but not necessarily, the same people who formed the student’s committee during the first stage of the Ph.D. In addition, two other professors will be selected to aid in the development and evaluation of the student’s proposal, Ph.D. examinations, research, and dissertation. An emeritus professor can be a full member of the committee. One committee member can be chosen from outside the university. Please consult with your committee and the DGS on the selection of outside members.
The advisory committee is formally constituted when the student submits the “Report of Doctoral Committee Composition” form to the Director of Graduate Studies.
If it is desirable to have an off-campus member of a Ph.D. committee, the committee chairperson should submit to the Director of Graduate Studies the Recommendation for Fixed Term Appointment for nominating the individual to the graduate faculty and a copy of the nominee’s vitae.
The trust placed in the committee must be reciprocated by the committee taking under serious consideration the suggestions or criticisms made by other members of the faculty. The committee should consider itself accountable for the actions it takes, or does not take, in response to faculty comments on the Ph.D. Study Plan.
A student’s Ph.D. committee is responsible for supervising progress and for periodic consulting (formally or informally) as either party feels necessary, but certainly once each semester. When a committee member is absent from the University for an extended period of time, that member is responsible for arranging for a replacement in consultation with the committee, the Departmental Chairperson, and the student involved. Should any changes in the student’s Study Plan become necessary, the committee must discuss them with the Departmental Chairperson and notify the entire faculty in writing. When the student is carrying out research away from the department, hence not in residence, the committee should continue to review the progress of the student’s project.
a. A Curriculum vitae (see Appendix G for the suggested form of a Curriculum vitae). In addition to the usual information, the Curriculum vitae circulated prior to the Ph.D. Examinations should also include a list of all coursework and other academic preparation.
b. A Statement of the background knowledge relevant to the student’s further work. The statement briefly (five pages or less) but comprehensively will define the student’s area of special interests and competency; and is therefore a suitable basis for determining the content of the written and oral examinations.
c. A proposal for dissertation research, the acceptability of which will be determined independent of decisions of funding agencies to whom the student may have applied by submitting a similar proposal.
d. A statement noting the date of approval of the proposal by the University’s Institutional Review Board on the Use of Human Subjects in Research. If approval is pending, that should be noted. Proposals should be submitted to this committee for review well in advance of the examinations (See Appendix 1 and A Guide to the IRB Process for submission guidelines).
Ph.D. examinations will not be held between Fall and Spring semesters, or during the summer, scheduled holiday periods or within-semester breaks, except with the prior, unanimous consent of the faculty. It should be noted that the faculty almost never grant exceptions to this policy.
Permission of the full faculty is needed for a student to go beyond the eighth semester in the program without having taken the exams.
The committee will compose the written part of the examination (to last no more than 8 hours), administer it to the student, grade it, and place both the examination questions and answers on file in the departmental office. Any non-committee member who wishes to attend the oral examination must inform the committee chairperson within one week after the distribution of the above mentioned documents. It is expected that the committee will consider both written and oral performance in reaching its final evaluation of the student. During the oral examination, the student will be expected to defend any answer on the written examination with which faculty members were dissatisfied and to be examined on his or her minor field or fields, if any. The oral examination also includes an evaluation of the quality and feasibility of the student’s dissertation project.
Even though the formal requirements of the Ph.D. program focus around formal examinations and a research dissertation oriented toward a specialty, it is important that the student acquire a sound education in general anthropology.
The committee chairperson will report the results of the written and oral examinations to the Departmental Chairperson as promptly as possible, and the latter will arrange to have the results of the examination reported to the entire department. It is also the committee chairperson’s responsibility to submit, in duplicate, the Doctoral Exam Reportform.
After completing the dissertation, it must be defended during a final oral examination attended by a five-person examination committee constituted according to the above defined principles.The committee chairperson should announce the time and place of the final oral examination, by memorandum to the entire department, at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled date of the examinations. The student is responsible for placing one copy of the final draft of the dissertation on file in the departmental office at least one week before the final oral examination. Any non-committee member who wishes to attend the final oral examinatihn must inform the committee chairperson at least three days before the date of the defense.
Students will not be permitted to defend dissertations between Fall and Spring semesters, or during the summer, scheduled holiday periods or within semester breaks, except with the prior unanimous consent of faculty. Similarly, only dates on which the University is in session can be counted in the required two week period between the announcement and the final oral examination.
The final oral examination should be held with respect to the final draft of the dissertation. The dissertation is not registered with the Graduate School prior to the oral examination. The committee chairperson is responsible for determining that the manuscript is in a form appropriate for evaluation. It is the student’s responsibility to distribute sufficient copies of the dissertation to the committee to allow each member the opportunity to evaluate the document well before the defense.
After the final oral examination, it is the responsibility of the committee chairperson to complete and submit the Doctoral Exam Report (see above), in duplicate, to the Student Services Manager. This form is forwarded to the Graduate School.
It is the student’s responsibility to deposit two copies of the dissertation with the Graduate School, in final form, along with two extra copies of the abstract. The title page must be signed by at least three members of the committee.
These submissions complete the student’s Ph.D. program.
Language Requirements
Completion of task “f”, substitution of appropriate research skills courses, cannot be used to fulfill both of a student’s language requirements; the intent of these requirements is that at least one of the two language requirements be met through knowledge of a natural language.
b. Pass the standard course, test, or transfer requirement for one of the following languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Russian (which was not chosen to fulfill task “a”).
c. Demonstrate advance competence in French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Russian by passing a 100-level course other than 101X or 102X, conducted in one of these languages or whose Required reading primarily is in one of these languages. It is expected that the language selected for task “c” will be the same as for Task “a”.
d. Demonstrate competence in a language other than French, German, Spanish, Italian, or Russian which is demonstrably relevant to the student’s thesis, dissertation, or specialty by passing a course or test in that language, considered by the student’s M.A. or Ph.D. committee to be of a level at least equal to 102X.
e. Demonstrate competence in a language demonstrably relevant to the student’s dissertation research or academic specialty, but for which no formal course or test is available, by whatever means the student can devise which satisfies his or her Ph.D. committee.
f. Pass two research skill courses approved by the student’s Ph.D. committee and the department as integral to thesis or dissertation research. Acceptable courses could be in topics such as these: phonological analysis (for research requiring knowledge of an unwritten language), cartography or soil analysis (for archaeological research), biostatistics (for research in physical anthropology), psychological testing (for research in psychological anthropology), survey methods (for research in social anthropology), statistics and computer science (for quantitative analysis), demographic analysis (for research in population anthropology), epidemiological measurement (for research in medical anthropology), or oral history methodology. In addition to being demonstrably relevant to the student’s research, such courses (with the exception of Anth. 725 and 726) must be offered by departments other than Anthropology, emphasize method rather than fact or theory, and be at the 100-level or above. Courses counted toward the research skill requirements may not be counted toward other M.A. or Ph.D. requirements in Anthropology.
- Tasks a and b. Self-explanatory.
- Tasks c. By completing task c, the student will be encouraged to develop usable rather than token competence in at least one language.
- Tasks d and e. Since anthropologists typically specialize in studying non-Western regions, they must learn non-Western languages. Although a few such languages are taught as standard courses, most of the languages and dialects in which the anthropology student carries out field research are not. The student then, will be allowed partially to satisfy language requirements by competence in a field language not taught in a course. The student must devise the means of demonstrating competence to the satisfaction of the Ph.D. committee. Such demonstration might easily be arranged if a committee member were competent in the language, and could examine the student. Other possible arrangements include examination by a native speaker of the language. The burden of proof of competence is placed on the student, and the burden of assessment of competence is placed on the committee. The committee, however, must submit its final decision for approval by the Director of Gradutate Studies. The Director of Gradutate Studies can rule on the committee’s action or refer the decision to the faculty.
- Task f. Each Ph.D. committee will be allowed flexibility in deciding what skills best serve a particular student’s research. The committee must, of course, conform to the guidelines mentioned above, and submit its recommendation to the Director of Gradutate Studies, and faculty, for approval.
- Pass the English English Proficiency Examination which is administered when one enters the graduate program.
- Pass Linguistics 116X.
- Demonstrate competence in English at a level considered sufficient by the student’s MA or PhD committee. In addition to direct interaction with the student, the committee may consider evidence such as the following as demonstrating proficiency in English: completion of a degree at an institution at which English is the primary language of instruction; employment in a position for which English is the primary language of communication.
For the Ph.D. degree, completion of language requirements is reported on two forms: Report of the First Doctoral Oral Examination (i.e., oral comprehensive exam), to be filled out, in duplicate, by the committee chairperson, signed by all members of the committee, and submitted through the departmental office to the Graduate School, and Application for Admission to Candidacy for a Doctoral Degree, to be filled out, in duplicate, by the student and the committee chairperson, signed by the Director of Gradutate Studies, and submitted to the Graduate School.
IV. Registration for Coursework
Effective Fall 1999, a full-time student is one who meets either one of the following two conditions:
1. Registers for 9 or more credit hours in a semester.
2. Registers for a minimum of 3 hours of 392, 393, 394 in a semester. A student may register
for additional courses as needed, but must register for a minimum of 3 hours of 392, 393, 394 to
be considered full-time.
Access web registration at ConnectCarolina.
Enter your ONYEN and password in the provided field and press “submit.”
Enter your PIN number in the provided field and choose the appropriate semester from the pull-down menu, the press “GO.”
To ADD, you may use either the Course ID or the Call # shown under “Registration Options” to register for courses. Course ID’s and Call #’s can be found in the Directory of Classes. Example: ANTH101 or 12345
To DROP a course, click on the button next to the course displayed under your schedule, and then click on the submit button located at the bottom of the “Registration Options” section. Note: Until you have registered for at least one class, no schedule appears under the schedule section.
To SEARCH, you must enter course information using the Course ID convention as indicated above. After you enter the subject abbreviation, tab to the next block and enter the course number. The system then displays sections of the course that will fit your schedule, sections of the course that you can waitlist, and sections of the course that have open seats, but do not fit your schedule. The nbr. column on the list of sections that you can waitlist denotes the number of persons currently on that section’s waitlist.
To EXIT the system, you should click on “File” in the upper left corner of your screen and then click on “Exit”, or click on the “X” in the upper right-hand corner of your browser. For security reasons, you do not want to use the “Back” button on your browser to exit the system. Never get up from a public workstation and leave your schedule on the screen or your web registration session active.
PLEASE NOTE: The web registration system times out in 10 minutes if no activity occurs during your session. If 10 minutes passes with no activity (no drops, adds, waitlist, searches for courses), you will be returned to the sign-on page of ConnectCarolinaConnectCarolina.
Registration Process
1) An email message directing students to ConnectCarolina for registration information is sent to all continuing, new, transfer, and readmitted students prior to registration priority appointment dates each semester. As new, transfer, or readmitted students are cleared for admission to the University; and email message will be sent at that time.
The following registration information can be found on ConnectCarolina:
* Registration appointment date/time
* University stop information
* PIN, if applicable (based on School/Department policy)
* Adviser Approval Block, if applicable (based on School/Department policy)
* Address update
2) If a STOP is reflected under the stop section of ConnectCarolina, the student must clear the stop with the office listed before they will be able to register.
3) Students must plan their schedule. Course information is available through the online services of the University Registrar.
4) Students must have their Personal Identification Number (PIN) which is a four-digit number used as a password that permits them to register. Students cannot register through the registration system without entering their PIN. Obtain your Personal Identification Number (PIN) from Dr. Donald Nonini, who is also Director of Graduate Studies and can assist you in planning your course schedule. Academic Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences and General College – click here.
5) Students may register online at ConnectCarolina. They will need to know their ONYEN and password (PIN). Students may use the registration system anytime on or after their appointment date to add, drop, or inquire, waitlist or see a listing of classes while the system is operating. Students cannot try to access the system before their assigned appointment date as the system will not allow any transactions before they are scheduled to register.
6) Students must pay or defer their tuition and fees before the payment deadline. If Tuition and Fees are not paid or deferred by the deadline, their registration will be canceled and all courses dropped. If students register during the billing period, a bill will be mailed to their Grade/Billing Address. If they plan to register after the billing period, they must prepay or show proof of finanical aid prior to registering for the semester. See the Registrar’s Calendar for payment deadlines for the appropriate semester.
The grade “S” (Satisfactory) is a temporary grade in all courses except Anth 393 (Thesis) and Anth 394 (Dissertation), and should be replaced with a “H”, “P” or “L” before graduation. Failure to do so will result in the student’s not receiving the degree. A student with a grade of “S” in Anth 393 or Anth 394 receives credit hours for that course and may graduate with that grade unchanged.
Students who fail to take a final examination in a course are given the grade “AB” (Absent). The absence must be excused by the Dean of the Graduate School before the instructor can submit a change of grade form. If the absence is not excused within 30 days of the exam, the grade automatically becomes an F which makes the student ineligible to remain in graduate school.
V. Completion Degrees
The Graduate School also requires that all graduate students be registered during the semester in which they take their M.A. thesis defense and oral comprehensive exams and their Ph.D. written and oral comprehensive examinations. Further, students must be registered during the semester in which they defend their Ph.D. dissertations and submit them to the Graduate School (if the defense and the submission occur in two different semesters, the student must be registered for at least one of those semesters).
The department requires that any student receiving an MA or a Ph.D. in a given semester submit a letter with the following information to the Director of Graduate Studies. You must submit this letter by the second Friday in June for August graduation, by the second Friday in October for December graduation, and by the second Friday in February for May graduation.
(1) Degree candidate’s first name, middle name or initial, last name
(2) Major
(3) Title of dissertation or project
(4) under the direction of (Name of doctoral advisor)
The Graduate School is no longer able to register students during a semester after the published deadline given in the University calendar. Examinations taken during a semester in which the student is not registered will not be accepted as valid by the Graduate School.
During the Fall and Spring semesters, the cheapest registration for in-state students is 3 hours of credit.
Students can expect a two to three week interval (depending on the length of the document) between submitting drafts of fourth semester papers, theses, Ph.D. Study Plans, and dissertations to their committee members and receiving them back with comments.
Students are also reminded that M.A. and Ph.D. defenses should be scheduled on the basis of substantially approved drafts; all committee members should have had ample time to comment on the earlier draft(s), and have been satisfied with changes made on the basis of their comments, prior to the defense. The chairperson of a student’s committee should ensure that all committee members receive a draft of the thesis/dissertation at least one month prior to the tentatively scheduled defense; the committee members, in turn, have an obligation to read the draft in a timely manner and to lodge any major objections well before the defense takes place. Defenses should not be scheduled on the basis of drafts that have not been fully reviewed by all members of the degree committee. Similarly second year students should provide their committee members with ample time to comment on drafts of their fourth semester papers prior to placing the final copies on file in the departmental office for evaluation by the faculty as a whole.
VI. Regulations Concerning Enrolled Status
The Ph.D. degree requires four semesters of residence credit, at least two of which must be earned in continuous registration at UNC-CH. The Ph.D. requirement includes time in residence at UNC while working toward the M.A. if that degree is received first.
Consult the Graduate School Handbook for details of calculating residence credits.
A student who withdraws during the first semester of enrollment in an academic program must formally apply for new admission (Admission Applicaiton, application fee, current GRE scores, etc.) to the program if he or she wishes to pursue the degree at some future date.
Withdrawal from the University is not equivalent to a formal leave of absence from the Graduate School.
A student who receives a medical withdrawal may be required to receive medical clearance before being readmitted.
International students who withdraw from the University may face critical consequences regarding their visa status. International students should contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services to discuss the implications of noncompliance well in advance of proessing a withdrawal.
Withdrawal from the University also has financial consequences for students who have been awarded tuition remission and/or in-state tuition awards through a fellowship or assistantship appointment.
In advance of the leave period, the student must complete and submit a Request for Leave of Absence Form to the Director of Graduate Studies for approval. If approved, it will then be forwarded to the Graduate School for approval. If the Graduate School approves the leave of absence, the time of that leave will not count against the total time allowed for the degree. Readmission to the Graduate School after an approved leave of absence is generally a formality. Ordinarily, a leave of absence may not be renewed.
Regardless of whether a graduate student officially secures a leave from the Graduate School, the student must notify his or her advisor and the Director of Graduate Studies, in writing, of intent to take a leave. The notification will be placed in the student’s file. Failure to notify will be taken into account when the student applies for readmission.
Students should be aware that while on leave, they cannot be considered enrolled students and therefore will not have access to campus services and benefits afforded to enrolled students, including eligibility for holding student employment positions (e.g., TA or RA) or student health insurange, among other services.
Students taking advantage of the Parental Leave Policy do not need to file a separate Leave of Absence request.
* July 1 for the Fall semester
* December 1 for the Spring semester
Readmission after a long absence is not automatic and will be reviewed carefully by the academic program prior to making a recommendation to The Graduate School. If a student is not registered for as long as two academic years, a new immunization record and Medical History Form must also be submitted to Student Health Service to avoid future registration cancellation.
VII. Financial Information
Awards are made near the end of the academic year (late April-early May) after faculty meetings to consider each student’s progress, including particular performance in the Core (for 1st year students) and 4th Semester Papers and Study Plans (for 2nd year students).
For the purposes of awarding assistantships, faculty members rank those students with whom they have had recent (within the last two years) interaction in a course, as an advisee, a committee member, an RA or a TA. Rankings are based on a combination of academic achievement and satisfactory performance as a TA (substantive efforts to improve are taken into account). The combined faculty rankings are used in making funding decisions. Because academic achievement is (or should be) affected by experience, students are divided into groups (incoming or first year, second year, third year, four year plus), and awards are made based on ranking within the groups. When funds are short, first, second and third year students are given priority over senior graduate students, who have had four or more years of funding. One assumption is that senior graduate students have more opportunities for external funding.
Students must have submitted an acceptable fourth semester paper and had the Ph.D. Study Plan declared in effect in order to be eligible for any kind of financial aid administered by the department after the fourth semester.
Two semesters seem an appropriate time limit to seek financial support for students who have completed fieldwork (or the equivalent) and are engaged in writing doctoral dissertations. The Awards Committee will take this point under advisement.
2. Tuition Remissions and Instate Awards
The Graduate School does not allow more than ten semesters of tuition remission and/or in-state tuition awards.
Semesters in which the student does not receive a tuition award (remission and/or instate tuition) from the Graduate School do not count toward the ten semester limit. Students who complete a degree in one academic program and then enroll in another academic program or change academic programs without receiving a degree are only eligible for the 10 semesters as noted above during their enrollment at the University. No student is eligible for more than a total of ten (10) semesters of tuition remission and/or in-state tuition awards during their enrollment at the University, regardless of rate of remission or award.
- Appendix A
- Curriculum of the Program in Medical Anthropology
- Appendix B
- Requirements of the Program in Archaeology and Sample Curricula
- Appendix C
- Cover Memo to Accompany the PhD Study Plan
- Appendix D
- Outline for PhD Study Plan
- Appendix E
- Cover Memo to Accompany the Documents
- Appendix F
- Outline for a Curriculum Vitae
- Appendix G
- Outline for A Research Proposal
- Appendix H
- Guide for Preparing Internal Processing Form for Review of Research Involving Human Subjects
- Appendix I
- Resources of Use to Graduate Studies
- Appendix J
- Code of Professional responsibilities Governing Relations Between Faculty Members and Teaching/Research Assistants
- Appendix K
- AAA Style Guide for Authors
- Appendix L
- Composition of the Graduate Committee