About Diane
In the Spring of 2018, I completed an M.A. in the Anthropology program at Northern Arizona University where I gained experience working as an archaeologist in Belize, Central America. Prior to beginning the M.A. program, my archaeological knowledge focused on the American Southwest where I worked in cultural resources management.
Research Interests
Community-based Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, Oral Histories, Maya Archaeology, Feminist Theory, Yucatán
Research Background
My primary research interests include community-engaged archaeology and cultural heritage in Yucatán, Mexico. I am especially interested in how archaeologists integrate oral history methods into their work to gain better understandings of what archaeological sites mean to local and descendent communities. My main goal is to engage in applied archaeology that allows for inclusion of local and descendant communities in decision-making processes. My dissertation research integrates techniques from anthropology and archaeology to explore the relationship between Indigenous communities and the built environment from the late colonial period to present day in Tahcabo, Yucatán.
MA, Northern Arizona University, 2018; BA, University of Kansas, 2005
"2023 “Field Fashion.” Anthropology News website, December 19, 2023. Field Fashion - Anthropology News (anthropology-news.org)
Clark, Dylan J., Diane L. Slocum, and Nancy Strickland Fields
2021 Interweaving Knowledge and Foregrounding Local Interests: Reflections on Building Collaborative Partnerships with Indigenous Communities. The Mayanist 3(1):1-18.
Slocum, Diane L.
2021 The Fort Huachuca Cemetery before 1968, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Cultural Resources Report FH-18-19. Report on file at Fort Huachuca Environmental and Natural Resources Division, Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
Awe, Jaime J., Christophe Helmke, Diane L. Slocum, and Doug Tilden
2020 Ally, Client or Outpost? Evaluating the Relationship between Xunantunich and Naranjo in the Late Classic Period. Ancient Mesoamerica 31(3):494-506.
Slocum, Diane L. and Jaime J. Awe
2018 The 2017 Investigations of Structures A9, A28, and A1 at Xunantunich, Belize. In The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project: A Report of the 2017 Field Season, edited by C.E. Ebert, J.A. Hoggarth, and J.J. Awe, pp. 310-332. Institute of Archaeology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
Slocum, Diane L. and Jaime J. Awe
2017 The 2016 Investigations of Structure A28 on El Castillo at Xunantunich, Belize. In The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project: A Report of the 2016 Field Season, edited by C.E. Ebert, C.C. Burke, J.A. Hoggarth, and J.J. Awe, pp. 304-314. Institute of Archaeology, Baylor University, Waco, Texas.
"Slocum, Diane L.
2023 Assigning Gender to Elite Maya Burials: A Case Study from Xunantunich, Belize. Paper presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting for the American Anthropological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Dedrick, Maia, Diane L. Slocum, and Adolfo Iván Batún Alpuche
2022 Collaborative Heritage Projects’ Potential to Facilitate Self-Determination around Identity and Representation. Paper presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting for the American Anthropological Association, Seattle, Washington.
Clark, Dylan J., Diane L. Slocum, and Nancy Strickland Fields
2021 Partners for Change: Mobilizing Cultural Heritage to Advance Public Education and Conservation in Yucatán and North Carolina. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Maya at the Lago Conference, Davidson, North Carolina.
Slocum, Diane L.
2019 An Investigation of Demographic and Spatial Patterns at the Fort Huachuca Cemetery, Arizona. Paper presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Slocum, Diane L., Blythe M. Morrison, and Creighton Gerber
2018 Applying Photogrammetric Mapping Techniques to Historic Properties Documentation on the CO Bar Ranch. Paper presented at the 2018 Arizona Historic Preservation Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona.
Slocum, Diane L. and Jaime J. Awe
2018 Contextualizing Xunantunich in the Late Classic Upper Belize Valley Through Investigations of Structure A9. Paper presented at the 83nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, D.C.
Slocum, Diane L., Doug Tilden, Jaime J. Awe, and Christophe Helmke
2017 Xunantunich Reloaded: Examining the Socio-political Implications of Structure A9. Paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver.