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Department of Anthropology Professor Patricia McAnany, Adjunct Professor Ivan Batun, recent PhD graduate Claire Novotny, and graduate student Maia Dedrick, joined residents of Tahcabo, Yucatán, to inaugurate the town’s new community museum. Local university students Miguel Kanxoc, Alejandro Tuz Bacab, and Lourdes Chan Caamal helped construct exhibits and welcome people to the museum. Located in the Palacio, the community museum presents an account of Tahcabo’s long history and highlights special characteristics of the town, including its prehistory and annual saint’s day celebration. It was created through the collaboration of town residents and members of the archaeological team with funds from the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). The inauguration included a short presentation by the PACOY co-directors, the introduction of committee members who will maintain the museum, and a presentation of traditional dancing from the group Baile Folclórico Kaanza Be.