Teaching Assistant Professor
Anthropologist, Archaeologist
Alumni Building 409B
Research Interests
Foodways, gender, and identity; feminist and decolonizing perspectives; Mississippian, post-European contact, and colonial periods in the American Indian Southeastern United States; Spanish colonialism in the Southeastern United States; hominy; meals and dishes of American Indian groups in the Southeastern United States; cooking pots
Foodways archaeology, ceramic analysis, experimental archaeologyEducation
PhD, University of Alabama, 2017; MA, University of Alabama, 2012; BA Warren Wilson College, 2005
Current Courses
- ANTH 123 – HABITAT & HUMANITY (MWF, 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM)
- ANTH 123 – HABITAT & HUMANITY (MWF, 11:15 AM – 12:05 PM)
- ANTH 252 – ARCHAEOLOGY OF FOOD (TR, 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM)
- ANTH 277 – GENDER AND CULTURE (TR, 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM)