November 2, 2022
Achievements by our faculty
Patricia McAnany will receive the Alfred Vincent Kidder Award for Eminence in the Field of American Archaeology on Friday, Nov. 11 in Seattle at the AAA Annual Meeting
Achievements by our current & former graduate students:
Alfredo J. Rojas has accepted a Biosocial Post-doctoral Training Program position at the UNC Carolina Population Center starting April 30, 2023
JulioVilla-Palomino has been selected to receive an Off-Campus Dissertation Research Fellowship from The Graduate School for Spring 2023
Colleen Betti had an artifact photo published in Antiquity as one of the frontispieces for the October’s editorial issue. View at:
Diane Slocum has received the Timothy P. Mooney Travel Award (RLA) and the Halpern Travel Award (ISA) for the AAA conference.