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May 12, 2021

Further achievements by our graduate students:

  • Anusha Hariharan has been awarded a 2021 Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in support of the writing of her dissertation entitled, “‘In Solidarity: Feminist Friendship, Care and Ethical Life in Southern India.” Anusha is one of about 20 fellows out of a pool of over 450 nationwide applicants this year.
  • Julio Villa-Palomino received an ISA dissertation travel award AND has been awarded a Wenner Gren Dissertation Research Grant in support of his project, “Deinstitutionalization Unfolding: The Transition to Community Mental Health in Lima, Perú.
  • Bryan Dougan has been accepted as a member of the Frank Porter Graham Honor Society at UNC. The Honor Society recognizes outstanding service provided to the University and community—particularly, Bryan’s contributions to the Moral Economies of Medicine Working Group.
  • Diane Slocum received a FLAS award to participate in the Yucatec Maya Summer Institute, Level 2.
  • Rachel Wilbur received an off-campus research fellowship from the Graduate School and the Chancellor’s Doctoral Candidacy Award for Minority Excellence.
  • Dawn Rivers has received a AAUW fellowship, along with the Dissertation Completion Fellowship from the Graduate School.
  • Marwa Koheji was awarded a Graduate Energy Poverty Dissertation Fellowship (EPPSA for Energy Poverty PIRE in Southern Africa Program), which includes a substantial stipend plus tuition.
  • Jacob GriffinSophie Dent, and Steph Berger organized and published a special issue for the American Journal of Human Biology: “Special Issues: Biocultural Approaches to the Plasticity of the Human Skeleton” (March/April 2021; Volume 33, Issue 2).  The issue includes three articles under their authorships. They also were featured and interviewed on the April 6th episode of the Human Biology Association podcast “Sausage of Science”.
  • Kailey Rocker has been selected for a Field of Excellence “Dimensions of Europeanization” Junior (postdoc) Fellowship at the University of Graz to start in late spring/summer 2022.
  • Francesca Sorbara has received  a Humanities Professional Pathway Award from the Humanities for the Public Good Initiative (UNC), in support of her doctoral research in Colombia

Further achievements by our faculty:

  •  Glenn Hinson delivered the Senior Class “Last Lecture” on April 20
  • Arturo Escobar, Kenan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at UNC-Chapel Hill, was elected to the 2021 class of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences on April 22.
  • Patricia McAnany was honored at the Maya at the Lago virtual conference organized by Davidson College and Davidson Day School, April 29-May 2.
  • Angela Stuesse received a research award from the Institute for the Arts and Humanities at UNC for her book project entitled “#Free Dany: Dreaming and Detention in Dixie”.
  • Caela O’Connell was featured in Wired Magazine in a piece on disaster preparedness apps
  • Lorraine Aragon has been awarded a research stipend from the Carolina Asian Center.
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