August 26, 2016
- New Book! Dale Hutchinson’s Disease and Discrimination: Poverty and Pestilence in Colonial Atlantic America, is recently out from University Press of Florida.
- Prize! The Society for the Anthropology of Work’s 2016 Book Prize has been awarded to Angela Stuesse’s new book, Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South (California, 2016) and will be given at this year’s AAA.
- Silvia Tomášková has won a two year National Geographic Society Research Grant for her project, “Ways of Making: Prehistoric Engravings in the Northern Cape, South Africa” and its fieldwork in South Africa (2016-18).
- Anna Agbe-Davies is one of ten faculty chosen for the Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholar Program in the Carolina Center for Public Service. This program will support the development of a collaborative agenda for research at Stagville, NC.
- Tricia McAnany is the PI on a new award from Museums Connect program for $83,534 to link up the archive at the Wilson Library with the State Archive in Yucatán via workshops for indigenous high school students.