Brown Bag Committee
Graduate Student
Alumni Building 303A
About Preethi
I volunteer with Carrboro's El Centro Hispano, tutoring some amazing children in elementary and middle school! I am also on the Baila Beats salsa team in Durham and in my free time I love to bake, craft, and hike.
Research Interests
Cardiometabolic disease, acculturation, nutrition, embodiment, migration, South Asia
Research Background
My research focuses on health disparities resulting and embedding, especially through the lens of colonization, globalization, and migration. I am particularly interested in how acculturation and behaviors/beliefs around food play a role in cardiometabolic disease risk and management in South Asian immigrants to the US. My previous research has been in microbiology/genetics as well as cross-cultural comparisons of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and gender/sexuality in the US and India.
BS, Michigan State University, 2021