Graduate Student
About Aidan
Born and raised in Durham, NC, I have long had an interest in both science and the human past, making archaeology a natural choice. I adopt, insofar as is possible, a "big structures, large processes, and huge comparisons" approach to my work and believe in the power of archaeology, anthropology, and history to further collective human self-understanding and help reshape our future in an era of accelerating social and ecological crises. I have spent time in both academia and CRM, and have done fieldwork in Peru, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Mississippi.
Research Interests
Sociocultural evolution, southeastern archaeology, human ecology, social logic of space, inequality and class, colonialism, cultural heritage issues, ceramics, settlement patterns, database building, community-based participatory research
MS, North Carolina State University, 2023; BA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021
Forbush Creek and the Piedmont Village Tradition-Mississippian Boundaryland in the Yadkin-Pee Dee Drainage" Paul, 2023, North Carolina Archaeology 72, pp. 1-34.