News Archive
Bobby Nieland: “Life and death”
Bobby Nieland: “Life and death” I believe that my personal discovery of the field of medical anthropology, though occurring relatively late in my time at university, has nonetheless been oneRead more
Kelsey Ludwig: “It’s like wearing new glasses”
Kelsey Ludwig: “It’s like wearing new glasses” I took my first medical anthropology course during the spring semester of my freshman year. I realized I was hooked to the fieldRead more
Anthropologist Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship
Patricia McAnany Anthropologist Patricia McAnany at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to support her research. McAnany is the Kenan Eminent Professor of Anthropology inRead more
Hannah Friedman: “Flailing with Dignity: How the Medical Anthropological Lens Allowed Me to Interpret and Cope with My Grandmother’s Death”
Hannah Friedman: “Flailing with Dignity: How the Medical Anthropological Lens Allowed Me to Interpret and Cope with My Grandmother’s Death” In October my grandmother died. I’m still not sure whatRead more
Peter Redfield on his latest book “Life In Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors Without Borders”
Peter Redfield on his latest book “Life In Crisis: The Ethical Journey of Doctors Without Borders” 1. How did the idea for Life in Crisis: The Ethical Journey of DoctorsRead more
Mara Buchbinder on her latest book “Saving Babies? The Consequences of Newborn Genetic Screening”
Mara Buchbinder on her latest book “Saving Babies? The Consequences of Newborn Genetic Screening” 1. How did the idea for this project come about? It was a question of beingRead more