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November 12, 2019

Further achievements by our students:

  • Sugandh Gupta has been awarded both a Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fellowship AND an American Institute of Indian Studies Junior Research Fellowship in support of her ongoing fieldwork entitled, “Dependency, De-Addiction, and the Care of the State in Jammu, India.”
  • Marwa Koheji has been awarded a Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fellowship in support of her project “Staying Cool in Bahrain: Heat, Air-Conditioning, and Everyday Comfort”
  • Anna Graham has been awarded a Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fellowship in support of her ongoing fieldwork entitled “Lower Mississippi Valley Cuisine and the Transition to Maize Agriculture (AD 900-1350)”
  • Cayla Colclasure was selected as a winner of the University of Alabama’s College of Arts & Sciences’ Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award (for her thesis completed last spring before she joined our program).


Further achievements by our faculty:

  • Towns Middleton has been awarded a Wenner-Gren grant to support his work on quinine in India for 2020-2021.
  • Florence Babb’s book—originally published by U of California Press in 2018—has been published in Spanish by the Instituto de Escudios Peruanos (IEP) Press under the title El lugar de las mujeres andinas: Retos para la antropología feminista descolonial.


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